Just about holiday ...
Dlho som rozmýšľala o čom bude tento príspevok a rozhodla som sa, že si jednoducho sadnem za stôl, zapnem notebook a napíšem čo ma prvé napadne. Nakoniec to tak celkom nebolo, pretože to o čom idem písať som mala premyslené už pár dní dozadu. Nie je to nič s hlbokými myšlienkami ale som to ja ...!!!
Čo sa týka mňa, ja by som si tieto prázdniny chcela naozaj užiť ako sa len dá a chcela by som si splniť ciele a sny, ktoré som si stanovila. A preto týmto krátkym príspevkom Vám chcem všetkým odkázať pár vecí. Prekonávajte sami seba a hlavne strach, ktorý nám bráni v naplnení našich cieľov. Nebojte sa vyskúšať nové veci, ktoré leto ponúka a hlavne využívajte každý jeden deň tak ako sa len dá.
Každý z nás sa vždy teší na prázdniny, na relax a zážitky, ktoré so sebou prinášajú. Ale málokto využije prázdniny naplno. Niektorí celé prázdniny len tvrdo brigádujú a niektorí sa stále nudia a ležia na posteli s telefónom v ruke. Najlepšie je toto spojiť do jedného, pretože treba si aj zarobiť peniaze a pomaly sa stávať samostatným, ale určite treba dbať aj na oddych a zábavu aby sme do ďalšieho ročníka nastúpili plní energie.
Čo sa týka mňa, ja by som si tieto prázdniny chcela naozaj užiť ako sa len dá a chcela by som si splniť ciele a sny, ktoré som si stanovila. A preto týmto krátkym príspevkom Vám chcem všetkým odkázať pár vecí. Prekonávajte sami seba a hlavne strach, ktorý nám bráni v naplnení našich cieľov. Nebojte sa vyskúšať nové veci, ktoré leto ponúka a hlavne využívajte každý jeden deň tak ako sa len dá.
A ešte jedna drobnosť pre tých, ktorí sa nevedia rozhodnúť či áno alebo nie, či ísť niekde alebo neísť. Určite povedzte ÁNO, určite CHOĎTE všade kde Vás bude niekto volať alebo kde by ste chceli ísť a určite SPOZNÁVAJTE svet a hlavne NOVÝCH ĽUDÍ (pretože NOVÍ ĽUDIA znamenajú ďalšie úžasné ZÁŽITKY).
Niektorí budú tento článok považovať za primitívny a zbytočný, ale títo ľudia si neuvedomujú, že som sa podelila o svoje myšlienky, vnímanie a názory, čo je pre mňa dosť ťažké. A hlavne si neuvedomujú to, že sú aj takí ľudia, ktorí sa obávajú svojho rozhodnutia a toho čo majú robiť, a možno im aj maličkosť v podobe napísaných viet pomôže.
Niektorí budú tento článok považovať za primitívny a zbytočný, ale títo ľudia si neuvedomujú, že som sa podelila o svoje myšlienky, vnímanie a názory, čo je pre mňa dosť ťažké. A hlavne si neuvedomujú to, že sú aj takí ľudia, ktorí sa obávajú svojho rozhodnutia a toho čo majú robiť, a možno im aj maličkosť v podobe napísaných viet pomôže.
Už len to keď tento príspevok pomôže aspoň jednému z Vás, bude obrovským pokrokom a budem sa z toho veľmi tešiť ♥♥♥
Prajem Vám pekné prázdniny, množstvo žážitkov a tiež oddychu!!!
P.S.: obrázky sú z dovolenky v roku 2014
P.S.: obrázky sú z dovolenky v roku 2014
V. M
For a long time, I was thinking about what this post would be, and I just decided to sit down behind the table, turn on my notebook and write what I first think of. It's nothing with deep thoughts but it's me ... !!!
Each of us is always looking forward to the holidays, to relax and the experiences that come with it. But just few of us enjoy the holiday fully. Somebody has a part-time jobs and others are still bored and lie on the bed with the phone in hand. It is best to combine this into one because you also need to make money and become independent, but surely you should relax and have fun to get into the next year's full of energy.
As for me, I would like to really enjoy these holidays as it is possible and I would like to achieve the goals and dreams I set. That's why I want to give you a few things through this short contribution. Overcome yourself and especially fear which doesn't allow us to achieve our goals. Don't be afraid to try out new things that summer offers and especially use every single day as much as you can.
And one more thing for those who can't decide whether go or not to go, whether say yes or no. Say YES and definitely GO wherever you want to go even though you are worried. EXPLORE THE WORLD, and of course NEW people (because NEW PEOPLE mean other wonderful WAYS).
Some will consider this article to be primitive and unnecessary, but these people don't realize that I have shared my thoughts, perceptions and opinions, which is quite difficult for me. And most of all, they don't realize there are such people who are afraid of their decisions and what they have to do, and maybe these sentences will help them.
Even if this contribution helps at least one of you, it will be a huge advance and I will be very happy about it ♥♥♥
I wish you a nice holiday, a lot of fun and also relaxation !!!
P.S.: photos are from holiday in 2014
V. M.
For a long time, I was thinking about what this post would be, and I just decided to sit down behind the table, turn on my notebook and write what I first think of. It's nothing with deep thoughts but it's me ... !!!
Each of us is always looking forward to the holidays, to relax and the experiences that come with it. But just few of us enjoy the holiday fully. Somebody has a part-time jobs and others are still bored and lie on the bed with the phone in hand. It is best to combine this into one because you also need to make money and become independent, but surely you should relax and have fun to get into the next year's full of energy.
As for me, I would like to really enjoy these holidays as it is possible and I would like to achieve the goals and dreams I set. That's why I want to give you a few things through this short contribution. Overcome yourself and especially fear which doesn't allow us to achieve our goals. Don't be afraid to try out new things that summer offers and especially use every single day as much as you can.
And one more thing for those who can't decide whether go or not to go, whether say yes or no. Say YES and definitely GO wherever you want to go even though you are worried. EXPLORE THE WORLD, and of course NEW people (because NEW PEOPLE mean other wonderful WAYS).
Some will consider this article to be primitive and unnecessary, but these people don't realize that I have shared my thoughts, perceptions and opinions, which is quite difficult for me. And most of all, they don't realize there are such people who are afraid of their decisions and what they have to do, and maybe these sentences will help them.
Even if this contribution helps at least one of you, it will be a huge advance and I will be very happy about it ♥♥♥
I wish you a nice holiday, a lot of fun and also relaxation !!!
P.S.: photos are from holiday in 2014
V. M.
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